Well hello there.


how’d it all


Like most, I grew up in a family where dysfunctional dynamics were the norm.

Addiction, untreated mental health conditions, codependency, and toxic shame were the name of the game. After the death of my father when I was six years old, a complicated grief was added to the mix as well.

Looking back now, I can see that, at the time, my family did the best they could with what they had. But they were up against the seemingly insurmountable odds of generational trauma—enacting behavior patterns passed down to them from their parents, and their parents' parents in turn.

I knew that I didn’t want to continue to live my life under the debilitating effects of trauma, or worse, repeat the same cycles that had caused them.

As I worked to heal myself, I witnessed the real-time effects of my own neuroplasticity.

I spent years in somatic therapy, attended countless workshops and trainings, and devoured books and podcasts from a wide range of psychological perspectives.

I began to experience the dissolution of deep pain, and the relationships I had once deemed hopeless began to heal.

It was then that I felt a strong sense of purpose. I realized that this is what I wanted to do with my life.

Professionally, my journey has consisted of becoming a certified personal trainer, holistic-lifestyle coach, nutrition consultant, and professional aerialist.

Later, I became certified as a Narrative Enneagram practitioner and coach. Albeit slightly unorthodox, my path has given me a unique perspective into the confluence of cognition, emotion, and physiology.

My areas of focus:

  • Teach what real self-trust is and what it feels like.

  • Heal codependency and attachment trauma patterns in order to co-create the relationships we want in our lives.

  • Orient the mind, heart, and body to work together as a cohesive unit.

  • Become friends with all of our internal parts of self.

  • Reconnect with, and reparent, the inner child.

In case you were wondering

Scorpio sun

Cancer moon

Gemini rising


Self-Preservation / 1:1